13 posts
Pitch Counts: The Simplest Way to Decrease a Young Pitcher’s Risk of Injury
There are three things that contribute to keeping a pitcher’s arm healthy: Workload, biomechanical efficiency, and functional strength. Of those three things, the one parents, coaches and athletes can all easily do is count pitches.
Loosen Up! Increase Performance and Prevent Injury with a Proper Warmup
Throwing is not the best warmup for throwing! Learn how to properly warm up with coach Tom House's science-based training program.
Getting Started: Kids Have to Learn to Catch & Throw Before They Pitch
Kids need to learn basic catching and throwing skills before they should even think about learning to pitch. The process of growing up as an athlete is much more enjoyable for both kids and parents if you move at an age-appropriate pace and take pleasure in small gains.
The 11 Mechanical Variables of the Pitching Delivery
During the pitching delivery, a pitcher’s total body needs to get to the right place at the right time with the right sequence of movements. The Mustard app looks at all the biomechanical variables of the pitching delivery in a way that is much more accurate than the eyes could ever be.
Stack & Track: The Final 20% of Velocity
In a pitching delivery, energy is transferred from the ground up, through the legs and into the torso. Up to 80 percent of that energy is then carried into velocity by angular torque. The final 20 percent of that energy is transferred through linear torque in the torso.
Using the Glove: Swivel and Stabilize to Proper Position
As a pitcher’s shoulders begin to square up toward home plate, the glove needs to swivel so the palm is facing the chest and stabilize over the landing foot, inside the width of the torso, between the shoulders and the belly button.
Set Position, Lift & Thrust and Energy Angle: Get Your Booty Moving for a Better Delivery
Set position determines all of the balance and posture positions that are necessary to initiate the delivery.
Where's Your Head?
Head position is incredibly important in the pitching delivery. If your head moves too much, you’ll first have difficulty throwing strikes, and you’ll eventually run the risk of injuries from the excessive stress.
Pitch Grips and Pre-sets: Developing a Young Pitcher’s Arsenal
Proper grip and wrist and forearm position can help young pitchers prevent injury and increase both velocity and movement.
Weighted Balls: History, Holds and How-Tos
When done properly, even a pre-adolescent can use weighted balls to build strength and speed in the pitching delivery.
Mustard User Stories: Miami Marlins Draft Pick Joey Steele
Miami Marlins Draft Pick Joey Steele Loves Mustard, Because It’s Like Having Coach Tom House With Him Every Day
What's in a Drag Line?
A pitcher’s drag line – literally, the line the back foot makes in the dirt - clearly show whether or not your body is where it should be during the pitching delivery.
Offseason Training: To Throw or Not to Throw? It's not really a question ...
The physical act of throwing is an adaptation and an accommodation and is not something you should start and stop. Once you start throwing, you keep throwing as long as you’re going to be a throwing athlete.
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