Functional Strength
4 posts
How to Assess and Improve Functional Strength
Functional strength training for pitchers focuses on developing strength that will support you through your throwing motion.
Getting Started: Kids Have to Learn to Catch & Throw Before They Pitch
Kids need to learn basic catching and throwing skills before they should even think about learning to pitch. The process of growing up as an athlete is much more enjoyable for both kids and parents if you move at an age-appropriate pace and take pleasure in small gains.
Weighted Balls: History, Holds and How-Tos
When done properly, even a pre-adolescent can use weighted balls to build strength and speed in the pitching delivery.
Offseason Training: To Throw or Not to Throw? It's not really a question ...
The physical act of throwing is an adaptation and an accommodation and is not something you should start and stop. Once you start throwing, you keep throwing as long as you’re going to be a throwing athlete.
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